
New Year Beginning.

The New Year has begun and it's starting off relatively well (except yesterday where the girls were exhibiting what it will be like when they actually have PMS. Vanessa was on a hunger strike and Natalie was just constantly whining. Fiona had an extremely hard day from them.).

Jadon has behaving himself well as of late. He doesn't cry anymore at night (we changed his bath routine so that he takes a bath after his sisters). He is starting to pick up the potty training concept. Hopefully it's not just a phase. His motivation now is make us happy. He'll tell us "Make momma/dadda happy." Also he has been really affectionate. He'll come up to us and give us a hug and a kiss and tell us "Jadon love momma/dadda." He'll even hug and kiss his sisters too (then a few minutes later say "no like baby sisters" because they are playing with his toys). Last week, we were at the mall (in a Macy's I think). Fiona was shopping for a dress and I was with the kids. Jadon (in public) asks "You going poo-poo dadda?" He caught me off guard with that one. And a few minutes later he has a finger up his nose and says "I have boogar!"

Natalie eats a lot. She is eating more than Jadon when he was at her age. The thing though is she craps like crazy so she's not gaining any weight. Sometimes I wonder if she has any type of mechanism that will tell her that she is full because the girl is just a little piglet. She is crawling really well now and she is getting on her knees now. Hopefully she'll start standing soon. I don't want her to get too far behind in her developement compared to her sister. On a side note, when it comes to hair, Natalie is a wild beast. When she sees her sister crawl closely by or when Fiona or I lie down on the floor, her facial expression changes. Her eyes brighten up and she exclaims in delight with a squeal. She crawl real fast and start pulling on hair. She can be extremely brutal, especially to Vanessa. Vanessa will be crawling along and Natalie will just grab her hair and drag her hair and head down (like when a matador pulls the bulls horn and drag it down). Sometimes Vanessa will tolerate it and sometimes she'll just yelp and begin to cry. This will be a sign of things tom come when it comes to sisterly cat fights.

Vanessa is really picking up the walking. She goes from a crawl to a stand without anything to help prop her. Then she'll take up to 9 steps. I think she's ahead of Jadon when he was the same age. She is just a curious little bug getting into everything. Her and her sister are like Thelma & Louise (or Bonny & Clyde). When things are a little too quiet, you know they are up to no good. They'll get into a closet or dump over a trashcan and play with the trash. When they get in trouble they're usually together. My guess is it's Vanessa is the the ring leader and Natalie just follows behind. When I catch them, they just look up at me. Vanessa just gives a big smile and Natalie has a look of "Who me? She [Vanessa] made me."

Well that's all for the updates. Gotta actually work now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jadon picks up poop in the potty?

12:47 PM  
Blogger a mindless zombie said...

Happy now? I changed it.

1:26 PM  

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