
Weekend Randomness

Yesterday Fiona and I took the kids to the beach/pier. It was the first time for all three kids believe it or not! We didn't really walk on the sand, we just walked along the pier. Fiona and I aren't much beach people. -Back in college, I hung out at the beach with the club and it was fun but it wasn't my fortay. Didn't like the mess, the lingering smell, and the hassle of parking.- At least the kids got to experience something for the first time. Total time we were there: 35 minutes.

I had one of those "who are these kids?" experience again this past weekend. I'll just sit on the floor and play with the kids and that feeling just hits me. I'll look at Fiona and think "you're too young to be a momma." It's just one of those surreal experiences that I feel once in a while. Not that it's a bad thing. Parenthood is just an awe inspiring experience and for me to be apart of and that at times it seems like it is above my feeling of comprehension (if that makes sense). Soon enough I get over it and I happily play with my kids.

Jadon is continuing his growth in the area of potty training. He is pooping in the potty 100% and he is coming around to peeing in the toilet more (he pees standing up on average of at least once a day). Fiona's been looking in to enrolling Jadon in some summertime activies. Most of them are some type of sports or games.

Natalie is progressing (albiet slowly) in her walking. She's been standing up on her own lately and she'll take steps (the most has been 7-8 step before she falls). Her physical therapist thinks that she'll walk regularly within a month. I'll give it two months. Last week she has been extremely whiny and cryful. She still cries like a newborn (literally).

Vanessa is really becoming a bookworm. She'll grab a book and run to you and shove it in your face. She gets really mad if you don't take it and start reading it. Then when you do take it and start reading it, she'll run off and do something else. Then, I've noticed, if you stop reading and put the book down, she'll come and pick it back up and shove it right back in your face.

So the girls' are going to be 16 months old soon and they are slow to grow. They are still pretty small (as I have mentioned before). But did you know........
-Both girls are still wearing 6 month onesy outfits (under shirts)?
-Both girls are still wearing 6-9 months pants and shirts?
-Both girls are still facing rear in their car seats? (Jadon was facing forward after 12 months of age, I believe).
-Both girls are still taking a bottle of breast milk before they go to sleep (and in the morning)?
-Both girls are still below the 5th percentile in both weight and height?

Well, back to work I go.....


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