
Good At Something, At Least.

Yesterday was Jadon's last day in his All-Sorts-Of-Sports class. I can tell he tries hard but he is not quite there as far as athletic ability (at least not yet). Frankly, I'm not concerned at all but Fiona seems to be. I find his abilities quite amusing: the swinging of his bat (totally off and the wrong way), the way he kicks a ball (even if it is a baseball and not a soccer ball), the way he shots a basketball (misses the backboard and all). I don't think I was even remotely athletically inclined until I was probably 9 or 10. But there was something that he seemed to excel at that I do think Fiona found amusing. That was that he seemed to be the first one to reach the water cooler almost every time there was a water break. The sessions are 45 minutes long and the coaches implemented 4 water breaks each session. So Jadon got a lot of practice. Although yesterday he was in the #2 or #3 person in line. But one time I observed him helping out a girl by grabbing a cup for her because she couldn't reach. Nobody prompted him to and no adults were around, he just did it himself. I thought that was sweet and considerate of him.


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