
Jadon's First Dental Appointment.

This past Monday Fiona finally took Jadon to his first dental appointment. I know, I know, it was long overdue. Fiona took him to an extremely kid friendly dentist. It was so friendly that when Jadon got home, he told me that he wants to go back the to the dentist every day! Fiona told me that Jadon asked the nurse hygienist when he was going to get his teeth brushed. Apparently he was waiting with full anticipation, Fiona thought that it took the nurse a little off guard. I asked Fiona if his dentist takes adults. =)

Fiona went on to ask the DDS about the girls. She asked her if it is recommended to bring them in one at a time or have them both done together. The DDS said something really amusing. She told Fiona that either way is fine but that if the girls go in together, to have the "leader one" go first. Buahahhaha! I found that term hilarious. When I first heard it from Fiona, my first thought was "That would be Vanessa." Fiona thought the same. Vanessa is totally the "leader one." Natalie's decision making skills (most of the time) are based on how Vanessa reacts to certain things or situations. For example, when it comes to trying out new foods, Natalie will look to see what Vanessa's expression to see if she should try it as well. So anyways, I think Fiona is planning to book the girls' long over due dental appointment come December.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took both of mine in at the same time and the "leader one" was just fine. Right after he was finished, he asked if he could go again. The second one however didn't even want to sit in the chair. I had to sit with him and hold him down but he cried and covered his mouth with his hands and so I just gave up and let him skip it. Let me know if you figure out how to give a defiant kid a dental exam.

9:36 AM  

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