
She Almost Gave Me A Heart Attack.

This past Saturday night (Sunday morning), Fiona just about gave me a heart attack. It started out over a year a go where Fiona had this cyst-of-sorts that appeared on her thigh. The doctor said that it's fine as long as it doesn't grow. Well about a month ago it looked like it was advancing. So Fiona had made an appointment with the dermatologist for this past Monday. Well last Friday it got worse. Fiona was feeling pain and was in discomfort. Well in the middle of the night on Saturday (1:30 am), Fiona woke up with a lot of pain. She went to the bathroom to use the toilet. When she stood up and walked over to the sink, she yelled out my name and then "boom!" I woke up groggily (but hurriedly) to where Fiona was. She was on the floor either fainted or knocked out. I picked her up (which in the aftermath I probably shouldn't have done in case she had a spinal injury) and put her on the bed. I called her name but she was nonresponsive. I kept calling her name and then I noticed that there was blood on her forehead. That just made my heart beat even faster. Panic mode was setting in. Then a few seconds later she responded. Oh my gosh what a huge relief. She was out of it. I told her that her that her face was bleeding. As it turned out she had two cuts on her face. She said that her head was throbbing and that her chin and teeth were numb.

I called my parents and they came over to watch the kids while I took Fiona to the E.R. down in Mission Viejo (fyi, they are really really efficient down there). They drugged Fiona up, performed a CAT scan of her head (normal), cut the cyst open to the let the fluids come out and gave her 7 stitches on her face. We were out in about 4 hours. What a day I tell ya. I don't know what I would have done if the worse were to happen. She's my best friend and soulmate. And just the thought of losing my wife brings tears to my eyes.

Now she is recuperating. She is still in discomfort but getting better. I'm grateful for my parents help and I am grateful to God for getting us through this.


Blogger Steve said...

FYI, like I said, you don't announce this sort of thing on your blog. Gave me a heart attack.

Glad to hear things are okay.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Happy Beginnings said...

that was frightening. did the doctor's say why they think this happened? Glad Fiona is okay. -joanna

8:23 AM  
Blogger a mindless zombie said...


Well the reason why Fiona fainted was probably due the pain. Also she has a history of fainting when she's low on food too.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Minnie Pak said...

oh man, i was so nervous reading your blog. i'm glad to hear that fiona is doing better. thank God that she is okay AND that you were home. if she were home alone with the kids, it would've traumatized them and who knows how long she would've been unconscious.

i had a similar experience with my ex -- he got up in the early morning to pee and while i was asleep i heard the loudest crash. he had fainted and fell head first into the bathtub. i ran into the bathroom and saw his head and torso in the tub, his legs outside. i screamed one of those adrenaline screams that you can hear for miles.

i hope this doesn't ever happen again!

8:29 PM  

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