A Few Pictures From Christmas

I know that I have been procrastinating but finally I got my pictures from my disposable camera developed. Fiona's got the digital camera at the hospital (in case she has to go through and emergency c-section and I can't make it).
This was one of Jadon's Christmas gift. He loves it dearly. Except when got into the car he looked at the speedometer stickers and said "may-me." That's his word for "music." I had to tell him that his car doesn't come with a stereo. Then he pointed to the car ceiling and said "upa." That's his word for "open." I had to sadly tell him that his car doesn't come with a sunroof. And then he pointed to the car ceiling and said "ya-ya." That's his word for "lights." No lights there either. I told him that this was a base model car. =(
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