
Ticking Time Bombs.

Having the girls are like ticking time bombs (this was also the case when Jadon was just a wee little baby). We'd swaddle the girls really really tight that they couldn't move their arms. Now during their nap/sleep you would hear them stretch and grunt (sometimes they would even yelp) and when they do this they try to stretch. Well over time they begin to loosen their blankets and then their arms come lose. When this happens they are prone to start to cry. So their arms start to move and for some reason it scares them. Babies are mental. Sometimes when I check on them and if their arms are about to break out, I'll just reswaddle them before they even go off. Natalie seems to have an edge over Vanessa as far as getting out of the toughest of swaddles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

typically babies only need to be swaddled for the first few days. babies need to move around and stretch. if you keep them swaddled, then when they break free and start flailing their arms and legs, they scare themselves...hence the crying.

8:41 PM  
Blogger a mindless zombie said...

Actually we had our first son swaddled until he was four months. Gradually you'll know when they no longer want to be swaddled. They'll just break out and not cry

9:07 PM  

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