Kids' imaginations can be great along with their made up vocabulary phrases. A lot of the phrases are coming from Jadon and the girls are just picking it up. Here are the phrases that they use (and that I have no clue if they know what they mean):
"Read Wash Ship Shop" - completely clueless as to what that could mean.
"Mad Dash" - Not sure where Jadon got this from but all the kids use this one on each other to piss each other off (which in turns pisses me off).
"Happy Dash" - A variant form of mad dash. They all demand that they are happy dash and once we acknowledge that they are, they are quiet.
"Kreachy Crab" - I am not sure why Jadon started saying this. He just started to say this and just busted out laughing.
"Almost time for the big back show" - Jadon made this up and he says he heard this from a cartoon (which he doesn't remember). Vanessa loves to say it.
Some of the times Fiona and I will play along but then it gets so annoysome at others.
On another note Vanessa is able to count to ten and sing her ABCs. Her voice is really cute. When we ask her to recite it for other people she gets all shy and bashful.