Fitted Finally.
So I have secured a Wii Fit. Shortly after midnight, Fiona checked the online ads and found Target to be selling it. That meant that I had to wake up early in the morning, 5:30a.m. to be precised. I got to our local Target at 5:45 a.m. and was the first one there. The next person showed up 45 minutes later. The line built up to about 10 before a Target "team member" came out to tell us that there were 8 Fits in store and to give us tickets. That was at about 7:40a.m. They opened the doors at precisely 8:00a.m. and the rest was history. I played a small joke on Fiona. When I got home she proceeded to ask me "well?" I told her that I was the third in line and they only had 2!. Her response was "What?!?!?!?!" Then I told her that I was kidding and that I got one. I just loved her response. I know, I'm mean.
Well it's time to try to get in shape and hopefully this will help.....
Well it's time to try to get in shape and hopefully this will help.....