
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

Usually it isn't a big deal when a child/baby cry when you drop him/her off at school or daycare or therapy. When we dropped Jadon off at school, it took only a few times for him to get over it. The same way with Vanessa too. But in Natalie's case, it's been long lasting and annoysome. She has been going to therapy for a few years and every time Fiona drops her off, she cries (sometimes pouts and clings). We've been dropping her off at Sunday (or in our case Saturday) school at church for quite some time now and she still cries. And of course school is the same for her as well. I understand the separation anxiety part but there's a time to grow out of it and Natalie hasn't gotten there. In some cases it seems to be getting worse.

Well yesterday, Fiona told me that she didn't cry, twice I might add. She had two therapy sessions in the morning and she didn't cry. I praised, hugged, kissed, and told her "How happy momma and dadda are." She was all over that. I hope she has gotten over that hump.


Blogger Fiona said...

She cried today when I dropped her off at school. She was hugging my leg and crying so a teacher had to pry her off of me. Well, Natalie got super mad and bit my leg. It went through my pants and boy did it hurt.

1:20 PM  

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