
Deciphering Toddler Talk.

Trying to figure out what Jadon says at times can be quite a challenge and at times a little frustrating. Here's how one of our discussions went:

Jadon: Dadda?
Me: Yeah?
Jadon: What's an 'Arsids?'"
Me: What?
Jadon: 'Arsids.'
Me: Can you repeat that?
Jadon: 'Arsids.'
Me: I don't know.
Jadon: What's an 'Arsids?"
Me: I have never heard of it. Where did you learn that?
Jadon: I don't know.
Me: Did you learn that at school?
Jadon: No.
Me: At church?
Jadon: No.

When he asks questions that I have no clue about that he expects me to know. I can keep telling him I don't know but he'll keep asking anyways. So what I will do is ask him specific questions (i.e. "Is it a dog?" "Is it a person?"). So now (after probably putting it in his mind) he says that an "Arsids" is a dog. But I still think it's a mystery that hopefull will be uncovered as his vocabulary and annunciation become expanded and clear.

Another incident similar to this but was deciphered happened a few years back. Before Jadon could talk he would make up his own words based off sounds. Every now and then he would say "king-ga, king-ga, king-ga." For the longest time Fiona and I had no clue as to what he was referring to. As parents of a baby on a cusp of formulating sounds (that have purpose), we just thought it was cute. Then when Jadon was able to make full sentences, I was reminiscing on sounds that he'd make. It hit me what "king-ga" could stand for. So I asked him what that sound was. And he answered me "washer, dryer." Just what I had thought. That was pretty cool how he was able to translate his own baby talk.


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