
Can't Keep A Secret.

So last night Fiona had an outing with some people from her church. So I took the opportunity to print out some Hello Kitty designed birthday cards for the kids to color for their momma. I told them all to not tell her and that it was a secret. They all responded appropriately. I reiterated to them that if they tell her about the card that they won't get any cake.

Fast forward to this morning. I get a call from Fiona and she told me that Vanessa came up to her and said something to the effect of "Last night dadda made some Hello Kitty cards for you for your birthday. We're not suppose to tell you or we won't get cake. So don't tell." Fiona was busting up from laughter as she is telling me this.

That little punk! I'm not going to entrust her with a secret anymore.


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