
Hide And Seek.

Yesterday I wanted to see how well Jadon can learn hide and seek. Let's just say he needs some work.

Scenario: He hides, I seek.
What happens:
-When I start to count, he starts to count out loud with me (even though he is suppose to be hiding).
-He hides in the same place (in our bedroom).
-So to get him out of our bedroom I tell him that I'll count and that he should go off and hide. So I close my eyes and start counting. He starts to count with me while he is still hiding in the same place.
-After I'm done counting, I'll go around and say "hmmmm is Jadon in the bathroom?" He'll end up answering me with a "no" from the other room.

Scenario: I hide, he seeks.
What happens:
-I tell him to count to ten. He only counts to three (that cheater).
-After a moment when he can't find me he'll yell out "Dadda! Where are you?!?"
-I'm hiding next to our T.V. armoir. He can't find me so what does he do? He ends up going to the couch and starts to watch T.V. Luckily he sees me otherwise I could have been hiding for a long time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I get sick of playing with kids, I play Hide N Seek. They go hide, and when they run off, I don't look for them. If it's a good competitive game, they will hide for about 10 minutes.

9:54 AM  
Blogger a mindless zombie said...

I'm saving up for that. First I got to build him up and then when I really want peace and quiet then I'll use it =)

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar.

11:19 AM  
Blogger a mindless zombie said...

Paul: Brutal....I like it.

6:53 AM  

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