
A Little Mental.

My daughter (that sounds funny), Vanessa is a wee bit mental when it comes to getting to sleep. At 6 months, she still needs to be swaddled (as does her sister) which is probably long overdue. She's still doesn't seem to have the capacity to fully control her arms. Anyways so we wrap her up and lie her on her back. She instantly wants to roll on her belly, but she hasn't learned how to roll herself back. So she cries. We flip her back and soon enough she rolls herself back and begins to whine. Now we have tried to experiment ways she can get use to her hands like keeping one arm wrapped and the other one is free but she doesn't seem to like that. So it's just a vicious cycle and annoying as heck. I've even held her and face her squarely in the eyes and started lecturing her "Vanessa, you need to stop rolling over and go to sleep. Stop waking mama up." Of course she looks at me, her lower lip sticks out, then begins to wail, tears start pouring. Can't help but feel sorry for the little rugrat. Moreover, I can't help but feel bad for Fiona, who sleeps in the same room with the kiddies.


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