Weekend Updates, Kiddie Updates, & Funny Poo 2
Last week was a short three day work week but I ended up working longer hours leading up to the four day Thanksgiving weekend.
On Thursday, Fiona and I had her sister (Angeline) and her fiance (Elliot) over for Thanksgiving dinner (The parents were out on a trip to China). Fiona cooked up a Jennie-O turkey (no thawing or cleaning needed) , scrumptous green bean casserole, mashed potatoes sprinkled with bacon and green onions (smothered in gravy), Stove Top stuffing, and Pillsbury crescents. Fiona's sister brought over a huge pumpkin pie and Chocolate bundt-shaped cake. As we went around sharing what we were thankful for this past year, Jadon's response (which was quite mature for his age) was "God." We just all looked at each other.
On Friday, Angeline and Elliot were kind enough to baby sit so Fiona and I could catch a movie. We put the kids to sleep a little bit earlier (7:30pm) and caught an 8:45pm showing of Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire. It was a much darker film then the other three. A lot of grayish backdrops (buildings, clouds, rain). It was a fast paced film. Not to mention that it was a PG-13 movie. Some of it I was able to recall from the book and other parts I just didn't remember. The actors in the movie definitely look much older from the last one. They better krank the rest of them out before they start looking old.
The weekend was slated for Christmas shopping. I did some shopping for Jadon and Fiona. Unfortunately Fiona, Jadon, and Vanessa have come down with some type of sickness. Jadon and Vanessa have stuffy noses and Fiona seems to have come down with a sore throat/cough. What's surprising about that is Fiona (and the kids) haven't really been out much lately. The only close contact Fiona has came with is Natalie's physical therapist. But Natalie doesn't seem to be affected. So far I have been able to escape the germs but I have a bad feeling that I'll come around (as I always do).
Jadon - he has been warming up to his potty training lately. He has been wanting to go on the potty more often (not all the time yet). He'll let us know by telling us "Got 'tomach ache." I guess a while ago his grandpa promised him a tricycle if he went on the potty all the time. So everytime Jadon goes poop on the toilet he'll say "get tricycle."
Natalie - for the past week and half she has started to crawl. Woohoo! That's a big milestone for her. And because of that, she seems to be less cranky. Don't get me wrong, she can still be super whiney but she has become more likeable.
Vanessa - she has been crawling and propping her self into a stand position and cruise (moving around on her feet while holding onto something). Not only that but she'll let go and try to stand on her own without holding onto something. She can stand from 5-10 seconds before she loses her balance.
So previously I went over how Jadon and Vanessa show signs of pooing. Well Natalie's story is a funny one as well. I was feeding Natalie her dinner in her high chair. She kept on grunting. Her face turing red. With her left hand, she kept on pounding her tray. Grunting, hitting, grunting, hitting. It was so funny (even Jadon imitates her). So Fiona changed her diaper and we were expecting a massive lode of crap. It turned out to be a little itty bitty pebble. If Natalie reacted that way over something so small I wonder what she would turn into when she does take a massive dump.