
Children's Poll.

I couldn't resist the temptation of ranking my children (I hope this doesn't bite me in the butt in the future). I get the sense that most parents (especially the moms) would never rank their children, or say who they liked more, or show favoritism. Please note that my ranking system is merely based on who is the most likeable (currently) and does not denote that I favor (or show favor) one child more then the other. I love my kids conditionally (and of course unconditionally). Think of this ranking system like that of sports rankings (i.e. college football, college basketball). It's an ever changing system that can change on a weekly basis.

Here is my current assessment (last weeks standings) followed with analysis of each child:
1. Vanessa (1)
2. Jadon (2)
3. Natalie (3)

She is such a cuddly baby. I could just hug her until she pops. She always gives a big smile and I just love how she laughs (think Barney Rubble and how his shoulders shake when he laughs). She is a fast walker with a curiousity of an explorer. She exhibits a quality of independence. Sometimes I forget that she is just a little baby sometimes. I just love it when you walk from room to room and she can't keep up with you she'll break out into a cry.
Con: Her cries all sound the same (whether she is hurt or she's needy). They sound like she is in utter pain every time. She has a tendency to whine a lot but usually it's because she wants to get down from her high chair and play. When it comes to eating solid foods, she's pretty bad. She has gone on a nursing strike which has created more work for everybody.

Pro: He's my boy! He's been really consistent going to the potty. His main motivation for trying to be good is tomake his parents happy. He always says "Make momma/dadda happy!" He is our little helper. You can ask him to clean up his toys, or throw away something (dryer sheets, paper) and he'll do it. He'll also put dirty clothes in the dirty pile. What's really cool is he knows the nighttime routine and without being asked, he'll go around and turn off the lights that need to be turned off for bedtime and clean up his toys.
Con: He's too sensitive at times which makes him whiny. He'll cry for some of the most roll-your-eyes type of reasons. Sometimes he talks too much and the worse of it is when I can't understand what he said. One time he asked me a question that I had no clue what he was asking. I just said "Uh-huh, yeah." That was a bad idea. The next day Fiona told me that Jadon had asked me if it was okay to take down one of his toys (that he had outgrown) from the closet and that I had said yes. Oops.

Pro: She has her moments when she can be really and adorable little angel. But those moments don't seem to last too long. She is a really good mimicker (better then her two siblings). She'll copy hand motions and she is a really good hand clapper (makes a clapping noise and all). I love her crooked smile and I especially love it when she gets into her whining-crying mode (or when she coughs) her left eye squints.
Con: She is the biggest whiner of them all. She sets the bar. Her whining is so bad, it's a "Calgon take me away" moment. Not only does she whine incessantly but she cries just as much. One moment she'll be just playing and she's fine, the next moment she'll break into full on tears. I'll pick her up and console her but she just cries even more. I'll try food, no luck. Same thing if you offer her a toy. It use to be Fiona would be able to pick her up and she'll stop, but lately Natalie still cries and whines when she picks her up. Can't figure her out at all. Sometimes I have to just put her in her bed and close the door because it gets so frustrating. She definitely knows how to bring down our spirits. Hopefully it's just a teething thing and it'll pass.


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