
Cast Off.

Today is moving day (and yesterday), so I had Fiona drop me off this morning for a few hours. My work area is not quite done yet. Apparently my boss is going to have the walls repainted because it doesn't go with the decor. That means that my desk won't be put together just yet. So they temporarily put me up in my bosses office (she's going to be working in the fields for half the week next week). I worked until Fiona picked me up, had lunch, and then she took me to the orthopedic's office to have the cast remove. Oh does it feel soooooo good. I was a little scared because the nurse who sawed my cast off was distracted by my girls. So she's sawing away but she doesn't have her eyes paid attention to me. After the doctor inspected it and said everything was proceeding well. I'll be wearing a boot for the next two months (good thing about it is I can take it off). Every two weeks I will be taking out these angled flats which will adjust my ankle slowly to a perpendicular state. My physical therapy starts in about a month. Not only that but I can drive now (although cautioned by my doctor). But at least my work is only five minutes away. After the doctor's appointment I had Fiona drop me off at work where I am not blogging. Time to get back to work (or look like I am working).


Blogger Steve said...

Riiiiiiight. I have to work with a computer, too... I get very, very busy working on the computer. Please don't bother me, I'm working.

10:57 PM  

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