
Watched: Star Wars ep. 3

I got to see Star Wars Episode III with my bud, Steve. I haven't seen a movie in the theater since Shrek 2. I saw in on Friday, 1:45pm showing. The movie was much better then the first two. The acting was much better especially by Hayden Christensen (since he did a piss poor job in episode 2). I guess the more evil he becomes, the less he speaks (which is good). I didn't know the details of how he becomes Darth Vader, but Lucas does a pretty good job on that. Special effects were good and the fights scenes were spectacular. If they were to ever come out with episodes 7,8, and 9 I hope it's directed by someone else other than Lucas and they have a better writer (with better dialogue).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AND, the more evil he becomes, his communications becomes more intelligent.

You have 3 kids AND got away to see a movie. Nice!

2:01 PM  
Blogger a mindless zombie said...

I used the power of the force.

I told Fiona "Hey I'm going to watch Star Wars with my friend."

She said "No you are not!"

I just waived my hands towards her and said "I am going to watch Star Wars."

She said "You are going to watch Star Wars."

I said "Thanks honey, you're such a sweetheart."

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jedi Mind Trick. Nice. However, if Fiona reads this, hopefully she doesn't realize that this trick only works on the weak minded.

4:25 PM  

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