
So What Is Jadon Saying Nowadays?

As any proud parent, I'm just amazed at what Jadon have picked up in his vocabulary. Some of the words that he has learned, I have no idea where he got them from. I'll ask Fiona if she taught him or if his grandparents taught him and they didn't. The funny thing is he has this funky accent (I think most kids have one). For example he'll add an '-a' sound to some of his words such as "food-a," "bread-a," or "bed-a." Strange kid. Anyways, here are some phrases he has been saying on multiple occasions:

"No like eet!" - He says this a lot.
"Bye, Bye. See you later."
"Oh man!"
"No haircut, just bath." - He says this just about every night (sometimes on the verge of tears). We give him a haircut once every three weeks or so and he thinks he's going to get one every night.
"Put baby sitter (sister) in timeout." - He says this when they cry.
"Tinkle, tinkle in a tar, how wa wawa ar you." - He tries to sing "Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are."
"Hi dadda, hi dadda, hi dadda, hi dadda...." - This can sound cute at first but after he has said it a million times, it can get annoying.


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