
Doggy Dilemna Fixed?

For the past two days, Fiona and I believe that we have solved the issue with Jadon and his throwing his doggy out of his crib and his constant crying. Previously I had tied doggy on the side of the crib where he gets out. So he can still throw doggy out of his bed but it will just hang there. So I came up with a brilliant plan, I bought a pet collar (believe it or not) for his stuffed dog and ribboned ("leashed) it to the other end of the bed facing the wall so he can't throw him at all. So that mixed in with keeping his door open just a smidgen seems to keep him happy. I just can't believe the havoc he can create on our minds when he's not happy. When he gets all cranky and sad he really knows how to bring Fiona and I down. Plus having the girls won't help too.


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