
Eating Habits.

For identical twins, the girls don't look the same or act the same. More specifically, aside from their personality differences, their eating habits are almost opposites. When we feed the girls "boob juice" (whether through nursing or through the bottle) Vanessa just thrives at it whereas Natalie has problems sucking it down. Vanessa could just slurp an entire bottle down in less then ten minutes. Natalie on the other hand can take twice as long to take down half the amount that Vanessa takes. So what do you think would happen when we have them on solids? Well the outcome has been reversed. Natalie just loves eating solids and Vanessa seems to just dread it. Natalie, while being feed, squeals of happiness while Vanessa whines and looks uninterested. Natalie begins to whine when she is finishes her food because she wants more. Vanessa whines when she finishes her food because she wants to get out of her high chair. We have recently started to give Cheerios to the girls. Natalie has just figured how to eat them and she was just happy as can be. Vanessa, upon seeing the Cheerios on her tray, just broke out into full on tears. Fiona and I were like "What the...?" She has done this twice now and it has just astonished us how she can do so well on breast milk but when it comes to solids, she just detests it. It can be a little frustrating but for the most part we just take it in stride and look back and laugh about it.


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