Good News, Frustrating News...
Over the past couple of days, we have been suspicious that Natalie can get into a sitting position. Fiona notice that Natalie was in a sitting position but questioned me if I put her in that position. Clueless me, I can't remember. Well last night our suspicions were confirmed. Fiona went to get Natalie from her evening nap and there she was, sitting in her crib. Yea! Hopefully she'll crawl soon because I think she whines a lot because she's not mobile like her sister. Another thing that Natalie does is if she doesn't get what she wants, she whines. Crap! It's already starting.
Vanessa is pulling herself up in a standing position quite well. She fall every now and then and sometimes she'll bonk herself. When that happens, I'll pick her up quickly but I won't acknowledge that she's been hurt. I'll find some way to make her laugh that way I can get her mind/senses off the fact that she might start feeling pain. So far I have been successful and she'll smile and she resume her crawling and standing exercises.
Lately Jadon has been a nuisance. His 'terrible twos' stage seems to get a little worse. He's been defiant at times and a lot of times he's been oversensitive. He has been hitting and pushing. He's pushed Vanessa before and made her cry. Nighttimes are the worse. He'll start to whine at night because he knows that bath and bedtime are coming. He'll start to cry in his bath. He'll cry, at times, after his bath. I can't figure out this kid. He use to be fine with bath time and bedtime. I find myself on a short fuse with him. I've yelled at him, ignored him, and punished him. This past weekend I felt really really guilty. Over breakfast, I was getting frustrated with him because he was fidgety and wouldn't sit still. He ended up throwing something and I just snapped. I grabbed him and put him in timeout (holding him against the corner of the wall). He was kicking, screaming, and crying. He was flailing so much that he banged the wall a few times. When I got him out I noticed on his forehead a couple of small red bruises. And on his neck were all these broken capilaries from his intense crying. I felt really bad about that. I even cursed myself for losing my temper. So the past few days, I have been nicer to him and have toned down my strict policies on him. I guess I just have to get back to the olden days of when I was patient and tolerant.
Over the past couple of days, we have been suspicious that Natalie can get into a sitting position. Fiona notice that Natalie was in a sitting position but questioned me if I put her in that position. Clueless me, I can't remember. Well last night our suspicions were confirmed. Fiona went to get Natalie from her evening nap and there she was, sitting in her crib. Yea! Hopefully she'll crawl soon because I think she whines a lot because she's not mobile like her sister. Another thing that Natalie does is if she doesn't get what she wants, she whines. Crap! It's already starting.
Vanessa is pulling herself up in a standing position quite well. She fall every now and then and sometimes she'll bonk herself. When that happens, I'll pick her up quickly but I won't acknowledge that she's been hurt. I'll find some way to make her laugh that way I can get her mind/senses off the fact that she might start feeling pain. So far I have been successful and she'll smile and she resume her crawling and standing exercises.
Lately Jadon has been a nuisance. His 'terrible twos' stage seems to get a little worse. He's been defiant at times and a lot of times he's been oversensitive. He has been hitting and pushing. He's pushed Vanessa before and made her cry. Nighttimes are the worse. He'll start to whine at night because he knows that bath and bedtime are coming. He'll start to cry in his bath. He'll cry, at times, after his bath. I can't figure out this kid. He use to be fine with bath time and bedtime. I find myself on a short fuse with him. I've yelled at him, ignored him, and punished him. This past weekend I felt really really guilty. Over breakfast, I was getting frustrated with him because he was fidgety and wouldn't sit still. He ended up throwing something and I just snapped. I grabbed him and put him in timeout (holding him against the corner of the wall). He was kicking, screaming, and crying. He was flailing so much that he banged the wall a few times. When I got him out I noticed on his forehead a couple of small red bruises. And on his neck were all these broken capilaries from his intense crying. I felt really bad about that. I even cursed myself for losing my temper. So the past few days, I have been nicer to him and have toned down my strict policies on him. I guess I just have to get back to the olden days of when I was patient and tolerant.
Terrible twos? Shocking. I want to strangle my boy every day of his life. But you already knew that. ;)
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