
Funny Accent

I'm sure that most kids who learn to speak have an accent but I can't help but laugh and make fun of Jadon's accent. It's a mixture of a fobbish, New York, French accent. Here is a list of words/phrases and how he pronounces them:

"Car" - Coiya
"Door" - Doiya
"More" - Moiya
"Dinosaur" - Dinosoiya
"Orange Juice" - Oren Jews
"French" - Fwen
"Bob The Builder" - Bob da Beel-da
"Screwdriver" - Coo-die-va
"Spicy" - Picey
"Spider" - Pie-da
"Jadon" - Zay-don

Here is a another list of some things he has said recently that I find amusing:

"Dada is Don. Mama is Fioma." (that's how he pronouces Fiona)
"Where did dada/mama go?"
"Wait a minute."
"Funky ass." (he got that one from his mother)
"Big one is .... (i.e. crying, eating, sleeping)." (referring to his baby sister, Vanessa)


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