
I've Been Regifted!

Ever watch the episode of Seinfeld where there is a character by the name of Timothy Watley who ends up regifting a label maker?

Well I have been a victim of regifting (unpurposefully). And do you know what's the worst thing? I have been regifted by my own gift! Would that be "self-regifted"? I won't name any names and I won't say what the gift was. It was a gift that I had given to someone last Christmas and now, for my birthday, had been given back that gift. That hurts.

I remember years back (in college) that for Christmas, I had been given a present from a friend of mine. It was one of those in-fad-hollusion images made into a puzzle. I unwrapped it but I had never opened it. I ended up giving it to one of my other friends (on purpose) for their birthday. From there it just kept going as a joke. It must have been passed on about half a dozen times until finally it got back to the original present-er. She finally decided to open up the puzzle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only give gifts that you wouldn't mind having yourself. Then, being self-gifted will seem pretty cool.

10:00 AM  

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