
Memorial Service.

Today at 2:00p.m., I'll be attending the memorial services of my CEO's wife. This is only my third such function. The first one was a father of an intern pastor at my old church some 5 years ago. I had only met the father once. The second one was a funeral/memorial service for Fiona' s grandmother. It was shortly after Jadon was born (that was his first one too). Each time I always think of what to say. Do I say "my condolences," or "I am sorry for your loss."? Do I hug or do I shake hands?

Every once in a while I think of how I would like my memorial service to be done. I would want something more festive and celebratory. I'd want a mandatory no-black-article-of-clothing to be worn. Perhaps after the ceremony and eulogy, I'd want people to gather at some place that is fun and decorative of balloons and confetti. A juggler and a balloonist to lighten the mood. Some upbeat music or band playing in the background. Refreshments such as cakes, cookies, etc to be served. How grand would that be?


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