
A Somber State Of Affair.

Yesterday, at work, I found out that my CEO's wife had finally succomb from breast cancer that she had been fighting for the past four years. There's an article about her in today's Orange County Register (I can't locate a link just yet). It's really sad to see her go. She was such a sweet and vibrant person. They came to my wedding and everytime I saw her she would always inquire about how the girls (Fiona and Jadon as well) were doing and developing. I really admired her and her husband because they (like Fiona and I) were highschool sweet hearts. My heart goes out to my boss. He did everything he could to find a solution. He used his vast medical resources to do whatever he could to save her but couldn't escape the inevitable. I just hope that through time he was able to accept what God has in store for her. That he, like her, finally found peace (not only them but the rest of the family as well). She'll be sorely missed.


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