
The End And The Beginning

This past Saturday was Jadon's last session of his all-sports class. It was basketball and I didn't have high hopes. Surprisingly though he did well on some of the drills. The teachers taught the kids to do bounce passes (to the parents), no-bounce passes, catches, and shooting. He did well with the bounce pass, no-bounce pass, and most impressively, catching the ball. The teacher apparently showed Jadon tip and he caught on. There is hope for him yet! Unfortunately when it came to putting it all together, dribbling and then shooting,..... let's just say that there is still a lot of work to do. They finished off the class with a certificate ceremony and ice cream! My fav-...I mean, Jadon's favorite part!

Now that that is over, it's time to hype up on Jadon's official start of school this coming Thursday. I can't believe that I'll be a parent of a student! I hope to be highly involved in the education of my children. I would love to attend PTA meetings, open houses, functions. I want it to be more than just the grades when it comes down to it. I just hope that Jadon will enjoy it and not cry when Fiona drops him off. We'll see.....


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