
It's Good To Have Vanessa Back...

The old Vanessa has returned and all is well again. This last bout of sickness has really turned Vanessa into a completely different baby. She, in a sense, was opposite to what she usually is. She was super needy, unhappy looking, overly attached, unmoving. Now she is all over the place, swinging her arms, screaming, talking, big smile on her face. Overall she is now a happy and energetic little girl.

On a side note, a cute thing that Vanessa does: When we leave to go out, Fiona or I will start to lock up the windows and make sure that the front door is locked. Vanessa will see these cues and start to pick up her toys and put them in the toy box and pick up books and put them on the table.
She doesn't have to be told or asked. She does it by herself! She is such a cute and thoughtful child. She also does this when we're at the grandparents house too. She sets and example for her sister because Natalie loves to copy her as well. She'll start to clean up when we ask her too. Jadon seems to only clean up when we ask him.


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