
Jadon The Bully.

Jadon doesn't seem to want the role of big brother at all. I was really hoping that he'd be protective of his sisters but so far he wants nothing to do with them. He dislikes his sisters and he will tell us everday (couple of times during the day) that he "no like baby sista." Not only does he tells us but he makes them cry. For a while it was hard catching him in the act but the past few days he's been clumsy with his cover ups. Fiona's suspicious of him pinching the girls, she's seen him pushing them, and yesterday while I was holding him saw him deliberately kick Vanessa in the chin. So he's been in time out more than usual. Someday the girls are going to come to their senses, join forces, and really hammer him. He better watch out. Right now the way their relationship works is he hates his sisters, his sisters love him, and the girls don't like each other (or don't really care for each other because they have already exhibit jealousy towards one another). This will make for an interesting household in the future.


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