
Vanessa Drops In Latest Poll!


1. Jadon (2)
2. Natalie (3)
3. Vanessa (1)

Like I mentioned before, this poll is ever changing and quite volatile. Vanessa woke up 30 minutes prior to my alarm clock (that meant at 4:30am!). Why did the lil' munchkin wake up you may ask. Was she too cold or too hot? Nope. Was it because she hurt herself? No. Did she have a nightmare? Not as far as I can tell. Was she hungry? Perhaps. The real reason why she probably woke up early was she threw both of her pacifiers out of her bed! *smack my forehead* She is really addicited to those things. I really want to take those away from her. It's not a good way to start off my day. *grouchy*grumble...grumble.......


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