The Natalie Reversion.
This afternoon Fiona called the doctor's office to see if we can figure out what's going on with Natalie. She constantly cries, she won't eat, and she keeps grabbing at the right side of her face. So the doctor said that Fiona could take Natalie in at the 4:45pm appointment. They weighed her and she has lost almost 1 lb and a half! She weighs an astonishing 13 lbs!!! What's going on with that little girl? So we have a 13 month 13 lber (I sense a potential Guiness Book of World Records in the future). The nurse (one that Fiona has never seen before) asked how old Natalie was. Fiona asked the her to take a guess. She guessed 6 months = o!The doctor checked her out and said that things look normal, but couldn't explain her behavior. She ruled out that teething because Natalie's behavior was to extreme. So the doctor is going to request and review all lab results that Natalie has had and see if there was anything that was missed. I was resigned to the fact that Natalie was just going to be a slow grower but this is really worrying me now. It looks like Natalie is reverting back to her newborn stage, both physically and mentally.
13 lbs???!!! Our Kylie had her 4 month checkup on Feb.10 and she was already over 17 lbs.
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