
You Know You're Getting Old When....

This past Saturday, Fiona and I took the kids to the park in the morning. I took my basketball to shoot some hoops while Fiona took the kiddies to the nearby playground. I was hooping it up on one court and some boys (around 10 years of age) were playing on another court. Their ball was rolling towards me and I was going to retrieve it and throw it back. I over heard one of the boys tell the other "Wait, the old Chinese guy is getting it." -Ouch! I later told Fiona of this and she just busted up.

Some more funny racial comments:
-I had a coworker (Caucasian) who asked me "What's the currency in Asia? Yen?" (He was dead serious)
-During jury duty, I was waiting outside a courtroom and a Caucasian lady was trying to strike up some friendly conversation with me. One of the topics that she started up was "I know this great Chinese Restaurant..."
-One time I was pulled over by a cop and he was asking me questions:
He asks "What is your nationality?"
I respond "I'm Thai."
He says "Oh, Taiwanese."
-One time I was carrying Jadon (when he was a wee little baby) from the car to a restaurant. There was a car that was driving by with his window down (but I don't think he realized it) and he said "Look, there's an Asian baby!"

I just can't help but laugh when I hear these remarks. There is no intent to hurt and I know that it is just racial ignorance.


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