Once In A Blue Moon....
Fiona and I decided to take the kiddies and take a nice stroll over at the Irvine Spectrum. The night air was neither hot or cold, just a tad bit under the warm side. Typically when we take the girls out for a car ride, one of them (mainly Natalie) is bound to whine and cry. On the way there, they didn't make a peep which was peaceful but at the same time a little eerie. We got to the Spectrum at about 7:00pm. They have this huge ferris wheel and I was planning to take Jadon on his first ride on one. He was sooo excited. Unfortunately when we got to the wheel, it was closed for repairs. I told Jadon that is was broken and had to be fixed. He didn't seem too disappointed and understood why it was closed. So Fiona went to grab a cup of yogurt from Golden Spoon and we went walking some more. Then Jadon saw a merry-go-round and ran towards it exclaiming "Not broken! Not Broken!" So I took him on that instead and he seemed pretty content with that. The girls were mesmerized by the music and the circling of the merry-go-round. After that we walked some more. So what seemed like a good amount of time, we headed back to the car only to find out that it was only 7:35pm. Oh My Gosh! We are getting freakin' old! I felt beat. I think having three kids ages you by about 30 years. So on the way home I was expecting the girls to start flipping out but for the most part they didn't. Vanessa seemed to be singing (her singing sounds like cat's meow). Natalie did do a little whining but she soon stopped and seemed to have found her toy rings to munch on. The real test was when we got home. Usually when we take the girls inside (still in their car seats) the house and leave them alone for a few minutes to wash up and settle in, they would fuss and cry. But tonight was different, they were well behaved. And then when I gave Jadon his bath, I put the girls out in the loft area right outside the bathroom so they can watch. Usually they end up crying but they kept themselves entertained tonight. Then when it came time to give the girls a bath, Natalie, at some point, usually begins to whine (I think she knows the sequence of taking a bath, getting dressed, then getting bottle fed her milk) but tonight she was good. Hopefully this is a start of good things to come as far as enjoying our evenings and nights more.